
Open Studios

“Open Studio is a wonderful space—I lose myself here for two hours, absorbed in my project. All the materials are here, the table and light awaits me…  I always leave feeling better than when I walked in the door.”  -Ellen Yaffa

Summer Mondays, Noon -3:00 p.m. (July 2 – August 13th, 2018 )

Mondays, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Wednesdays, 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.

See PRINT calendar to confirm days and times.

Drop in for all or a little.  $15.

You don’t have to make art alone!

Bring a project you are working on, finish a piece started in one of the our classes, or start something new. You will work on your own, we will be there to assist if needed. You are welcome to use our general materials.

Click here to pay for one open studio via PayPal



Come to all the open studios offered for 30 days for only $55!

Minimum number is 8, often more.

(That’s a $65 saving!)

Click here to buy a 30-Day OPEN STUDIO Pass with PayPal

Open StudioOpen Studio - Expressive ArtsOpen Studio