
Calendar Project 8-Week Group

8-Week Calendar Group
Tuesdays Starting October 4th
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Each week we will look at a different areas of our life, including relationship, money, home, work, service, play (and more) and create an intention and a vision through art for that area of our life. We will then create a vision board and then a calendar month each week toward a 2012 calendar. Can use any medium collage, paint, photography, drawing, poetry, a mixture of them all or other.  We will photograph or scan for digital outputting.

You will also de-stress your life, make art weekly, and connect with others!

RSVP $249 paid in full includes ONE digitally printed copies of your calendar. Printing of additional copies for gifts, (Approx. $15 per calendar.) Or Drop in @ $25/session for group only, calendar printing not included.

Stop by the studio to see samples.

Calendar Project Flyer