Expressive Arts Therapy and Coaching
1.5 Hour sessions, great support for your life. Working with all life issues such as health, work, relationship, parenting, grief, depression, stress, trauma, and unblocking creativity. No previous art experience is necessary.
If you are interested in working with me individually, as a couple or family using Expressive Arts, I offer a free 30-minute consultation so you can try it out and see if it is a good fit.
By appointment, Call for information (619) 251-8474
Expressive Arts Therapy and Coaching Group
2 hour sessions working with all life issues such as health, work, relationship, parenting, grief, depression, stress, trauma, and unblocking creativity in a group setting. 12 week commitment. No previous art experience is necessary. Call for dates and sign up.
Call for information (619) 251-8474
Workshops & Specialty Groups:
Click here for a list of our offerings. Visit the calendar page for upcoming dates. If you do not see something you are interested in on the calendar, contact us and we will put you on the list for the next time it is offered. No previous art experience is necessary.
Create your own day and date: If you have 6 people who would like to do a group or workshop together, (great for families, friends, co-workers, organizations) you can create a custom time and date. Call for more info.
Click here for list of offerings>>
Artists with Developmental & Physical Disabilities
At Expressive Arts @ 32nd & Thorn we have a special love for the amazing art created by adults and children with developmental disabilities and feel honored to help them refine and define their own personal style of art making. In addition to enjoying the process, art making can be a great vehicle for positive social interaction and for building self esteem. All art making is in the Expressive Arts model where we work with our life while we are making art, offering the opportunity to work with daily challenges, grief and loss, goal setting, communication, behavior and what ever shows up on the day we meet. An added joy is the chance to show the finished art in our Ray of Light Gallery and if the artists choose, sell their work. Artists with behavioral issues need to be accompanied by an aid or family member. (Who are invited to join in on the art making!) A free 30 minute session is available to try it out and see if it is a good fit. By appointment, Call for information
(619) 251-8474
Expressive Arts and Kids – After School, Summer Camps and Workshops
Kids need art, too! Especially with the cutbacks in the schools. We use art making to teach life lessons. How to make friends with your critic, be in relationship with your art, have fun and build community! We take special requests for themes and projects.
Corporate And Organizational Workshops And Retreats
You give us the challenge, celebration or theme and we will create a a special offerings with your goals in mind. Can come to you at your site or you come to us for a change of scenery. We can work with themes like team building, creative visioning, conflict resolution, unlocking the creative juices, celebrating suceess, burn out or whatever you have in mind. No previous art experience is necessary.
Agencies and Non-profit
- Expressive Arts Success Coaching for At-Risk Populations – Use the arts to help participants reframe life experience from “I don’t deserve to be successful” or “I can’t be successful” to “my experiences will help me be successful.” Group and Individual.
- Art making as a Therapy – Work with different populations such as developmentally disabled, brain injury and physically disabled using the artmaking to improve motor skills, create conversation, participate in a collaborative project, problem solve and build self esteem.
Community Building – Working with challenging groups and classrooms to help members work together. Looking at what is destructive and what is constructive to their community.
- Conversations with Death and Loss – For those who work with the chronically ill, terminally ill, disabled, aging or dying to help build more understanding around physical loss and the last stage of life, to be a more effective helper. Can also be adapted to understand losses around homelessness, natural disasters and more.
- Helping the Helpers – Creative exploration for helpers to recharge their battery, find resources for challenges in their work, and build stronger community.
Helping Professionals:
For your individual sessions, classes, seminars, workshops or groups. Click here for more information on room rentals. Click here for studio rental.
Visual artists, dancers, writers, theatre groups, musicians for studio time, rehearsals, performances, or change of scenery to unblock your creativity, show your work, or have an opening. Click here for studio rental.
Parties, Events or Exhibitions:
Individuals or organizations. Rent the space OR rent an art experience. Show your work in the Ray of Light Gallery, have an opening. Call for more information, (619) 251-8474